84 products

  • Last stock! WSD Pteranodon

    Safari WSD Pteranodon

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Pteranodon was a huge flying reptile with a wingspan of over 20 feet. It belonged to an extinct group of reptiles called pterosaurs. Pterosaurs were not dinosaurs, but were closely related. Pteranodon lived during the Cretaceous Period, about 86 million years ago in what is now western North America. Although Pteranodon and other pterosaurs resembled modern bats, they were not related. History: The first Pteranodon specimen was found in 1870 in Kansas by Othniel Marsh, the famous paleontologist from Yale University. Marsh recognized that it was a pterosaur, but it had no head, so he wasn’t sure whether it was the same as the pterosaurs from Europe, or something new. A few years later, in 1876, some skulls were found, showing that Pteranodon was indeed completely different from any known pterosaur. Scientific Name: Pteranodon, meaning roughly ‘toothless wing’. Characteristics: Although the first pterosaurs had teeth, Pteranodon had a long, slender, toothless beak. The skull has a long crest that projects upward and backward, as our Pteranodon toy shows. The function of the crest is uncertain, but we do know that the size and shape of the crest is different in males and females, so it was most likely used as a display structure during courtship. Pteranodon had a tiny tail, much too short to have steered the animal during flight, so the crest may also have been useful as a rudder. Size: This Pteranodon toy model is 3 inches long with a 7.25 wingspan. The Pteranodon is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Pterosaur

    Safari WSD Pterosaur

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Pterosaurs were the first reptiles to develop powered flight. They lived for a long time, from the Late Triassic to the End of the Cretaceous (228-66 million years ago). Although they are sometimes referred to as ‘flying dinosaurs,’ this is incorrect. Although they are closely related to dinosaurs, they are technically just outside of the group, so paleontologists refer to pterosaurs ad dinosaurs as ‘sistergroups’. History: The first pterosaur was described a long time ago – in 1784. Pterosaurs were first thought to be swimmers because the paleontologist who found it thought that its wings were paddles. Soon after, the famous French anatomist and paleontologist Georges Cuvier realized that the paddles were actually wings, and that this was a flying creature. Characteristics: This Pterosaur toy accurately depicts the prehistoric reptile - Unlike birds, which have wings mostly made of feathers, the wings of pterosaurs are made of skin, more like a modern bat. However, the skin membrane of the bat’s wing is supported by four really long fingers. A pterosaur wing has only one long finger supporting its leading (front) edge. So, although the pterosaur wing and bat wing are superficially similar, they are quite different under the skin. Pterosaurs lived on earth for a long time, so there are many different kinds. Size: This Pterosaur toy is 4 inches long and 7 inches wide. The Pterosaur is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Quetzalcoatlus

    Safari WSD Quetzalcoatlus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The magnificent Quetzalcoatlus was the size of a small aircraft and one of the largest flying animals ever. Our Quetzalcoatlus toy is much smaller, but still packs tons of detail! This massive, but delicately built, carnivorous reptile was one of the last of its kind. Like all pterosaurs, an elongate finger supported each of its wing membranes. It soared through the Late Cretaceous skies of North America, 68 million years ago. History: Quetzalcoatlus is a relatively recent discovery. In the 1970s, Douglas Lawson and colleagues discovered several pterosaur skeletons, including a gigantic wing bone, in Big Bend National Park, Texas. In 1975 Lawson described the huge wing as a new species, Quetzalcoatlus northropi, a pterosaur he described as “the largest flying creature”. This pterosaur has since become one of the most famous of its kind and is housed in the Texas Memorial Museum at Austin. Scientific Name: Quetzalcoatlus northropi Characteristics: Quetzalcoatlus had a large head with long, toothless jaws and a long, thin neck. It’s small, fuzzy body supported its winged arms, which could grow to an impressive wingspan of up to 35 ft. Size: This realistic Quetzalcoatlus toy model is 7.25 inches long and has a wingspan of 8.75 inches. The Quetzalcoatlus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Regaliceratops

    Safari WSD Regaliceratops

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Regaliceratops means “Royal Horned Face”, referring to its head frill that features plates around the edge resembling a crown. It lived in the late Cretaceous Period, 68 million years ago, in what is now Alberta, Canada. History: The skull of Regaliceratops was found by Peter Hews, a geologist, in an Alberta river in 2005. The species was not named and described until 2015, and the skull now resides in the Royal Tyrell Museum in Alberta. It is nearly complete, though slightly deformed, and it shows off the animal’s namesake frill very well. Scientific Name: Regaliceratops peterhewsi Characteristics:  The body of Regaliceratops was likely similar to that of most other related ceratopsians, with short front legs, longer back legs, and a short tail. Its head features short brow horns, a nose horn and a parrot-like beak, with its distinctive plated frill. All of these features are reproduced in great detail on our beautifully painted Regaliceratops toy figure. Size: This Regaliceratops toy is 6 ¾ inches long and 2 ¾ inches tall to the top of its frill. It’s a little bit longer than a soda can on its side. The Regaliceratops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Rhamphorhynchus

    Safari WSD Rhamphorhynchus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Rhamphoryhnchus was a pterosaur, or flying reptile, that lived in the Late Jurassic (about 150 million years ago) in what is now Europe. Although it is superficially similar in some ways to bats and birds, it is not related to either group. It is easily recognizable by its beak-like snout and long tail. The best Rhamphorhynchus fossils come from a limestone quarry in Solnhofen, Bavaria. All of the fossils from this locality are incredibly well preserved, leaving little doubt about what the animals looked like in life. History: The first Rhamphorhychus fossil was found in 1825, and was first thought to be an ancient bird. Under closer examination, it became clear that it had teeth, similar to Pterodactylus, the first pterosaur that had just been described. A quick comparison told the scientists that the new ‘bird’ fossil was really a pterosaur, but unlike Pterodactylus, this new pterosaur had a very long tail. Scientific Name: Rhamphorhychus, meaning ‘beak-snout’. Characteristics: Rhamphorhynchus was a fairly large pterosaur. It had a very long snout full of long sharp teeth that were probably used to catch fish. Unlike some pterosaurs, Rhamphorhychus did not have a bony crest on its skull. It had a very long tail stiffened by ligaments. The end of the tail had a diamond-shaped vane that helped the animal steer as it flew through the air, a bit like a rudder. This Rhamphorhynchus toy features all of these distinctive traits. Although large adults had a wingspan of nearly six feet, hatchlings with wingspans of as little as one foot have also been found. Size: This Rhamphorhynchus toy is 7 inches long with an 8 inch wingspan. The Rhamphorhynchus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Sarcosuchus

    Safari WSD Sarcosuchus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Sarcosuchus was a gigantic ancient relative of crocodiles, living in the Early Cretaceous Period around 112 million years ago. It could grow over 30 feet in length! It had a long, thin snout that ended in a thick, round projection known as a “bulla”. History: Sarcosuchus is thought to be among the largest of the Crocodyliformes, a group composed of crocodiles and their close ancestors. Fragments of its skeleton were found between 1946 and 1959, but in 1964 a nearly complete skull was discovered. More recent fossils found in the late 1990s and early 2000s provided even more complete skeletal information. Scientific Name: Sarcosuchus (“Flesh Crocodile”) Characteristics: This crocodile-like Sarcosuchus toy figure is hand painted and full of scientifically accurate details, from the large hump (bulla) on its nose to the wide flat scutes on its back. It’s posed in a walking stance, making its way across its tropical habitat. Size: This Sarcosuchus toy is just over 10 inches in length, and stands 2 ¼ inches tall at the hump of its back. It’s about the size of a 20 oz bottle. The Sarcosuchus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Sauropelta

    Safari WSD Sauropelta

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Sauropelta was a medium-sized armored dinosaur that lived in North America during the Early Cretaceous, about 108 million years ago. This peaceful plant eater used its protective array of bony armor and spines to defend itself from hungry hunters. History: Sauropelta was named in 1970 based on fossil material from Wyoming and Montana. In 1984 paleontologist Kenneth Carpenter restudied this and other material, along with fossil footprints referred to Sauropelta, which led to an accurate reconstruction of the skeleton and armor. This makes Sauropelta one of the best understood of all the ankylosaurs, or ‘armored dinosaurs’. Scientific Name: Sauropelta edwardsorum Characteristics: Sauropelta was a medium-sized herbivore that reached about 17 feet long. It had a small beaked head, a long tail, and walked on all fours. It had five fingers and four toes. Most notably it had an impressive covering of armor that consisted of bony plates on the back, hips, and tail, a row of triangular spine-like projections along its flanks, and large pointed spines on its neck which you can see on this Sauropelta toy. Size: This beautifully detailed Sauropelta toy figure is 7.25 inches long and 2.5 inches high. The Sauropelta is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Spinosaurus 3 XXX

    Safari WSD Spinosaurus 3 XXX

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Spinosaurus was a large, fish-eating dinosaur found in Egypt and Africa. As more and more remains of this dinosaur are found, scientists can begin to get a better picture of this unique dinosaur, from its crocodile-like face to the spined sail on its back. Recently, it was even discovered that its tail featured a large fin.   History: Spinosaurus has a long history featuring many discoveries that have changed the way we see this dinosaur through the years. First discovered in 1915, it was often depicted as a normal theropod (meat-eating dinosaur) with a large rounded sail on its back. Recent discoveries have shown that not only did it have a more narrow, crocodile-like face, but it had much shorter legs than previously thought, and even a large fin that ran the length of its tail. Scientific Name: Spinosaurus aegyptiacus (Spined Lizard of Egypt) Characteristics: This Spinosaurus toy features the most recent discoveries about this dinosaur incorporated into its design, including the recently uncovered tail fin. All of Spinosaurus’s iconic features are here, including its dorsal sail, its narrow, tooth-filled jaws, and its enlarged hand claws. Size: This Spinosaurus toy figure is 9 inches long and 3 inches high to the top of its sail. The Spinosaurus is part of our Wild Safari Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free  

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Stegosaurus II

    Safari WSD Stegosaurus II

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   One of the most popular dinosaurs of all time, the Stegosaurus is quite distinctive with its row of large bony plates along its back, and the four fearsome spikes on its tail. These spikes are believed to have been used to protect Stegosaurus from attacking Jurassic predators such as Allosaurus. History: Stegosaurus was discovered and described in 1877 by Othniel Charles Marsh. Originally, its plates were thought to lay flat on the dinosaur’s back, like a turtle’s shell. Later, more complete findings showed that they stood up vertically on Stegosaurus’s back, though their exact arrangement is still something of a mystery. Though sometimes shown in a symmetrical double row, the most widely accepted current theory is that the plates were staggered in two alternating rows. Scientific Name: Stegosaurus (Roofed Lizard) Characteristics: This Stegosaurus toy is glancing to its left with its tail tilted in the same direction, perhaps warning a predator not to get too close. It includes the dinosaur’s distinctive dorsal plates, tail spikes, and small armor-like throat scales. Size: This professionally painted Stegosaurus toy measures 8 ½ inches long and just over 4 inches to the top its tallest plate. It’s about as wide as a sheet of loose leaf paper and as tall as a ceramic mug. The Stegosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Styracosasaurus

    Safari WSD Styracosasaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Second perhaps only to Triceratops as the most well-known Ceratopsian, Styracosaurus lacked the eyebrow horns of its cousin, but more than made up for it with 4-6 long spikes on its neck frill, and a nose horn that could measure up to two feet long! History: Styracosaurus was discovered in Alberta Canada in 1913 by C. M. Sternberg, and named by Lawrence Lambe. The purpose of Styracosaurus’s large spikes and frill remain the subject of much debate among scientists. Many theories have been proposed, such as that the frill and horns were used in defense against predators (including the Tyrannosaurus relatives Gorgosaurus and Daspletosaurus), or that they served to impress potential mates (and thus may have been brightly colored), and that they helped regulate the dinosaur’s body temperature. Scientific Name: Styracosaurus (Spiked Lizard) Characteristics: This Styracosaurus toy figure features the typical Ceratopsian body, with four legs, a short tail, and a scaly hide with smaller scales intermittently broken up by larger ones, based on fossilized Ceratopsian skin impressions. Its neck frill features six long spikes, along with several shorter protrusions, and its distinctive nose horn projects from its beaked face. Size: Our Styracosaurus toy measures 8 inches long from its nose horn to the tip of its tail, and just over 3 ½ inches tall to the tip of its tallest frill spine. It’s about the size of a large index card. The Styracosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Suchomimus

    Safari WSD Suchomimus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Suchomimus was a theropod dinosaur that lived in the Lower Cretaceous (about 120 million years ago) in what is now Niger, Africa. ‘Suchomimus’ literally means ‘crocodile mimic’. History: Suchomimus was first discovered in 1997 by a team led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago. The best specimen is an incomplete skeleton lacking a skull. Fortunately, the same locality produced a partial skull and several individual bones, so it was possible to reconstruct a composite skeleton. Scientific Name: Suchomimus tenerensis Characteristics: Like many theropods, Suchomimus was large, at least 30 feet long. In contrast to most theropods, the skull of Suchomimus was extremely thin and had a low profile, as our Suchomimus toy shows. Its jaws were long and slender, and contained a total of about 120 conical teeth that did not resemble the blade-like teeth of most theropods. Size: This Suchomimus toy figure is 7.5 inches long and 3.75 inches high. The model has a dark green back and orange-yellow belly. The Suchomimus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD T Rex Green

    Safari WSD T Rex Green

    3 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest known theropod dinosaur. It lived in what is now western North America in the latest Cretaceous Period (68-66 million years ago). Tyrannosaurus rex, often called ‘T. rex’ because it is shorter, lived right up to the end of the Cretaceous Period, so was one of the last dinosaurs to have lived on earth. History: The very first Tyrannosaurus was found by the famous fossil collector, Barnum Brown in 1900 in Wyoming. Over the next five years, he collected four more skeletons, and Henry Osborn, from the American Museum of Natural History in New York studied these skeletons and named Tyrannosaurus rex in 1905. The largest of Brown’s skeletons can be seen on display At the American Museum, and another is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Scientific name: Tyrannosaurus rex meaning ‘tyrant lizard’ and ‘king’ Characteristics: In real life, Tyrannosaurus, was large (at least 40 feet long), stout and muscular (5-6 metric tons), but our Tyrannosaurus Rex figure is much smaller. It ran on its thick hind legs. Its huge jaws contained lots of sharp, six inch long teeth. Each tooth had a serrated blade on both the front and back edges that could easily have cut through any prey. Its front limbs were tiny and its hands had only two little fingers. We don’t know what these fingers were for, but they were far too small and weak to walk on, fight off other dinosaurs, or grasp prey. Size: This Tyrannosaurus Rex figure is 7 inches long and 4 inches high. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    3 in stock


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