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  • Last stock! WSD T-Rex

    Safari WSD T-Rex

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest theropod dinosaurs that ever existed. Its scientific name, Tyrannosaurus (‘tyrant lizard’) rex (‘king’) says it all. It lived in what is now western North America in the latest Cretaceous (68-66 million years ago). T. rex went extinct at the very end of the Cretaceous, and so is one of the last dinosaurs to have lived on earth. Scientific Name: Tyrannosaurus rex Characteristics: Tyrannosaurus rex was a large (at least 40 feet), massively built (5-6 metric tons), bipedal dinosaur. The head was huge as our Tyrannosaurus rex toy shows, and the jaws contained lots of sharp teeth, some at least six inches in length! Each tooth had serrations on both the front and back edges, working like a steak knife to easily cut through the flesh of its prey. Tyrannosaurus rex would have been able to take down and eat any dinosaur it wanted to. Size: This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy model is 8.75 inches long and 3.25 inches high. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA fr

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Tapejara

    Safari WSD Tapejara

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Tapejara was a pterosaur that lived in what is now Brazil during the Cretaceous Period (112 million years ago). Pterosaurs were flying reptiles. Although they were not dinosaurs, they were more closely related to them than any other known reptiles. For this reason, paleontologists refer to dinosaurs and pterosaurs as ‘sistergroups’. History: At least three different species of Tapejara have been described, but closer examination has recently shown that there is really only one species, Taejara wellnhoferi, named after the famous German paleontologist Peter Wellnhofer, who has studied and written about many pterosaurs. Scientific Name: Tapejara, meaning ‘old being’ Characteristics: Like all pterosaurs, Tapejara had long pointed wings made of skin that was supported by a single, incredibly long finger along the leading (front) edge. In its structure, the wing of Tapejara is much more like that of a modern bat then a bird, whose wings are made mostly of feathers. Despite these similarities, pterosaurs are not closely related to either bats or birds. Although some pterosaurs are the size of small airplanes, Tapejara is quite small, no bigger than a goose. The most striking feature of Tapejara is the huge crest on its skull. It is believed that the crest may have helped steer it during flight, like the rudder of an airplane. It could also have been used to catch the attention of other Tapejara, much the as a rooster uses the brightly colored comb on its head to impress hens during courtship. Size: this model is 3.75 inches long and 8.25 inches wide. The Tapejara is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Triceratops

    Safari WSD Triceratops

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The three-horned Triceratops is the most famous – and most gigantic – of all the horned dinosaurs. This iconic animal browsed for plants in North America during the Late Cretaceous, 65 million years ago. History:  Triceratops was the first horned dinosaur ever found, which is why it is so famous. The first fossil of Triceratops was discovered in Colorado in 1887. It consisted of a pair of horns that, at first, were thought to belong to an extinct species of bison, but more complete material from Wyoming and Montana showed this was a new type of dinosaur. Scientific Name: Triceratops horridus Characteristics: Triceratops is best known for its horns: a short one on its nose, and a long horn over each eye, which are accurately depicted in our Triceratops toy. It also has a curved beak, and a solid bony frill on the back of its head. It walked on four short robust legs. Its front legs have five toes, of which three have blunt claws, and the hind feet have four large toes with hoof-like claws. At 26 ft long it was one of the largest horned dinosaurs. Size: This Triceratops toy is 8 inches long and 2.75 inches high. The Triceratops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Safari WSD Tyrannosaurus Rex

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tyrannosaurus rex , or “T-Rex”, is one of the most well-known dinosaurs of all time. And with good reason! It’s one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs ever found, growing to over 40 feet long, with teeth that could measure over a foot in length! This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy figure is much smaller than the real thing, but still full of excellent details (and teeth)! History: This theropod dinosaur was one of the last non-bird dinosaurs, dying out at the end of the Cretaceous Period around 66 million years ago. Throughout time T-Rex has been thought of as both a predator and a scavenger, though today most scientists believe it was a hunter who preyed on other dinosaurs, such as ceratopsians and ornithopods. Scientific name: Tyrannosaurus rex meaning ‘tyrant lizard’ and ‘king’ Characteristics: This Tyrannosaurus figure is rearing up with its mouth wide open, showing off its renowned chompers. This is a great figure for young dino-fans looking for a detailed and accurate version of the tyrant lizard on a small scale. Size: This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy figure measures about 7 inches long and 4 ½ inches tall. It’s around the size of a post card. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Uintatherium XXX

    Safari WSD Uintatherium XXX

    4 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   The Uintatherium is a large, rhinoceros-like herbivore from the Eocene epoch, roughly 40 million years ago. Its unique head featured six bony knobs, and two tusks in its upper jaw. History: Uintatherium was the subject of a heated competition during the “Bone Wars” in which paleontologists Joseph Leidy, O. C. Marsh and Edward Cope were each trying to be the first to name and describe the fossils they had found. Leidy would end up the winner, naming the strange-skulled creature “Uintatherium”, though the rivalry took a toll. Though Leidy is widely considered to be the father of U.S. vertebrate paleontology, the prolonged battles surrounding Uintatherium would lead to him leaving the field altogether. Scientific Name: Uintatherium (“Beast from Uinta Mountains”) Characteristics: This Uintatherium figure has a detailed hide reminiscent of a rhinoceros or an elephant. While this professionally painted Uintatherium toy may seem a little grumpy, we’re sure he’d be happy to come home with you. Size:  This Uintatherium toy is 5 ¾ inches long and 2 ¾ inches tall, or about the size of a small index card. The Uintatherium is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    4 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Utahraptor

    Safari WSD Utahraptor

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Utahraptor was a giant dromaeosaur, a relative of Velociraptor, discovered in 1993. Coincidentally, this was the same year that the film Jurassic Park was released, which featured Velociraptors that were much larger than the real animals ever were. Scientific Name: Utahraptor ostrommaysi (“Utah’s Thief”. Its species name refers to John Ostrom, a scientist who worked on Deinonychus and theorized a close relationship between dinosaurs and birds.) Characteristics: This Utahraptor is ready to pounce! With its mouth wide open and its feathered arms spread, other dinos better watch out! Its feathered body is colored blue above and light brown below, with black and white markings on its head. Size: This dinosaur toy figure measures about 4 inches tall and about 9.5 inches in length. The Utahraptor figure is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Vagaceratops XXX

    Safari WSD Vagaceratops XXX

    3 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Vagaceratops was named in 2010 and showed that horned dinosaurs were more diverse than previously supposed. This four-legged plant eater lived in North America during the late Cretaceous, 75 million years ago. History: The remains of several Vagaceratops skulls were excavated from the Upper Dinosaur Park Formation in Alberta, Canada, during 1958. It took many years for this dinosaur to be recognized as a distinct species, but in 2001 it was finally regarded as a new species of Chasmosaurus called ‘C. irvinensis’ A later study published in 2010 recognized it as a distinct from Chasmosaurus and so it was given a new genus name as well, Vagaceratops, meaning ‘wandering horned-face’. Scientific Name: Vagaceratops irvinensis Characteristics: Vagaceratops had a short horn on its none, a curved beak, and a distinctive square bony frill on the back of its head, all of which are depicted in our Vagaceratops toy. The flat rear edge of the frill was covered with a row of bony projections or ‘hornlets’. Vagaceratops walked on four short robust legs. Its front legs had five toes, of which three had blunt claws, and the hind feet had four large toes with hoof-like claws. It grew up to 16 feet long. Size: This Vagaceratops toy is 6.25 inches long and 3 inches high. The Vagaceratops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    3 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Velociraptor

    Safari WSD Velociraptor

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Velociraptor was a small theropod dinosaur (about the size of a large turkey) that lived in what is now Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous Period (about 75 million years ago). It was a very fast runner, using its speed to outrun prey and its sharp claws to capture it. Velociraptor was a star in the Jurassic Park movie series. History: The first Velociraptor was discovered in Mongolia 1923 during one of the famous American Museum of Natural History expeditions. Since then, many specimens have been collected over the years, including one very interesting specimen that died while fighting another dinosaur. We believe that the two dinosaurs were killed when they were suddenly buried when a sand dune collapsed onto them, preserving them in mid-fight. Scientific Name: Velociraptor, meaning ‘swift seizer (or robber)’. Characteristics: Velociraptor ran on its hind legs, using its long tail to balance. It front limbs were large, and its hands were very strong. As you can see on our Velociraptor toy, it had long sickle-shaped claws which were used to grasp its prey, which it then killed using its sharp teeth. Velociraptor belongs to the group of dinosaurs that are closely related to birds. The hands and fingers are particularly bird-like in their structure. Size: This Velociraptor toy model is 8.25 inches long and 3.25 inches high. The Velociraptor is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Woolly Rhino

    Safari WSD Woolly Rhino

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The Woolly Rhinoceros was a prehistoric beast resembling the rhinos of today, except that it was covered in a thick fur to protect it from the freezing climate of its Ice Age environment. History: Coelodonta lived during the Pleistocene Era, from around 3 ½ million years ago to just over ten thousand years ago. While it was long believed that climate change at the end of the last Ice Age led to their extinction, interactions with early humans likely played a larger role, as these giant beasts were hunted heavily by our prehistoric ancestors. In addition to skeletal remains, the appearance of Woolly Rhinos can also be determined from mummified specimens discovered in Siberia and other frozen northern areas, as well as cave paintings by early humans. Scientific Name: Coelodonta (“Hollow Tooth”) Characteristics: The Woolly Rhino was a large, furry mammal with a pronounced hump on its back and two horns sprouting from its nose. The larger of the two horns could grow up to two feet in length! This Woolly Rhino toy captures these features in scientifically accurate, realistic detail, reconstructing this prehistoric mammal in a walking pose, with its head bowed. Size: This Woolly Rhino toy figure measures 6 ¾ inches long from the tip of its curved horn to the heel of its foot. It stands 3 inches tall to the top of its hump. The Woolly Rhino is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Wooly Mammoth

    Safari WSD Wooly Mammoth

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The woolly mammoth is a close relative of modern elephants. Its hairy coat helped it to keep warm while it foraged for grasses to eat during the end of the ice age, 400,000 to 4,000 years ago. Herds of woolly mammoths had a broad range across northern Europe and Asia, and North America. History: The woolly mammoth was scientifically named in 1799, but at this time it was placed in the same genus as the modern Asian elephant. It was eventually given a new genus name in 1828 – Mammuthus. Many types of mammoth have been named since then, but only one species, Mammuthus primigenius, goes by the common name of woolly mammoth. It is known from hundreds of skeletons, tusks, and teeth, as well as mummified preserved specimens. Scientific Name: Mammuthus primigenius Characteristics: This woolly mammoth toy features all the distinctive traits of the real thing - a pair of giant curved tusks, relatively small ears, a trunk, and a coat of brown hair all over its body. It walked on four legs and was about the same size as a modern African elephant. Large adults could reach over 11 feet tall. Size: This adult woolly mammoth toy model is 5.5 inches long and 5 inches high. The Wooly Mammoth is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Yutyrannus

    Safari WSD Yutyrannus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   The discovery of Yutyrannus changed how paleontologists thought about large tyrannosaurs. Feathers in this carnivorous relative of T. rex suggested that other large tyrannosaurs may have had them, too. Yutyrannus hunted during the early Cretaceous in China, around 125 million years ago, and was the top predator in its environment. History: Three specimens of Yutyrannus huali are known, including an almost complete articulated skeleton of an adult. The name Yutyrannus stems from ‘yu’, the Mandarin word for feathers, and ‘tyrannus’, the Latin for tyrant - this name reflects the presence of feathers preserved alongside the bones, and the close kinship of Yutyrannus to other tyrannosaurs. Scientific Name: Yutyrannus huali Characteristics: As our Yutyrannus toy shows, this dinosaur was a two-legged carnivore with short arms and a large head. It had sharp curved teeth, a low crest running along the top of its skull, and a long counterbalancing tail. It had large hands with three fingers and large claws. Its body was covered with shaggy filamentous feathers. It grew up to 30 feet long, the size of a minibus. Size: This Yutyrannus toy figure is 8.25 inches long and 3 inches high. The Yutrannus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Zuul

    Safari WSD Zuul

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Straight from the feature-length Dino Dana film comes Zuul, the ankylosaur with a decidedly ghostly name. This armored dinosaur figure is ready for a dino dance party with Dana! Scientific Name: Zuul crurivastator ("Zuul" is the name of a horned ghost creature from the movie Ghostbusters, while crurivastator means "destroyer of shins") Characteristics: This Zuul dinosaur toy features movie accurate details straight from the Dino Dana film, including bony osteoderms and spikey armor, plus a wicked clubbed tail. But that's not all - by using your phone to scan the QR code on the figure’s hangtag and downloading the Dino Dana app, you can scan the figure’s barcode to make this Zuul "come alive" in an Augmented Reality environment! Size: From its bony snout to the end of its tail club, this Zuul figure measures just under 7 inches in length. The Dino Dana Zuul figure is part of the Dino Dana collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


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