84 products

  • Last stock! WSD Masiakasaurus

    Safari WSD Masiakasaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Masiakasaurus is a small bizarre meat-eating dinosaur that was named in 2001. It surprised paleontologists because of its oddly shaped jaws and protruding teeth. It lived in Madagascar during the Late Cretaceous, at the end of the ‘age of the dinosaurs’, 65 million years ago. History: The first bones of Masiakasaurus were recovered as isolated specimens from a small area that belonged to at least six individuals.
 More fossil material was subsequently discovered at 30 localities across northern Madagascar, and these were described in 2011, providing information on about 65% of the skeleton. This makes Masiakasaurus one of the best known dinosaurs of its kind. Scientific Name: Masiakasaurus knopfleri Characteristics: Masiakasaurus is a small-bodied meat-eating dinosaur. It walked on two long legs and balanced its body with a long tail. It had a relatively long neck and short arms. Its jaws and teeth are its most distinctive character – the tips of its jaws splay outwards and its front teeth point forward, which are accurately recreated in this Masiakasaurus toy. At 6 feet long it was one of the smaller predatory dinosaurs. Size: This Masiakasaurus toy is 7.25 inches long and 3.25 inches high. The Masiakasaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Megacerops

    Safari WSD Megacerops

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Megacerops was very similar to modern day rhinos, but was not closely related. It actually belonged to a group of prehistoric animals called Brontotheres (“Thunder Beasts”). These animals were larger than today’s rhinos, and were the largest land mammals alive during the Eocene epoch. They lived around 35 million years ago. History: Megacerops has a convoluted history of discovery, due to competing paleontologists all attempting to be the first to name what would turn out to be multiple examples of the same species. The history would be even further complicated by the work of Henry Fairfield Osborn, who described the Brontothere family but based many of his assumptions on incorrect data. His work would not be fully corrected until the 2000s, when a proper family tree for the Brontotheriidae family was created by Matthew Mihlbachler. Scientific Name: Megacerops (“Large Horned Face”) Characteristics: This Megacerops toy is proudly holding his forked nose-horn high for all to see. Maybe he wants to impress some females! Individually painted and sculpted based on the most current scientific research, this figure is incredibly detailed right down to its pebbly hide. Size:  The Megacerops toy figure measures 3 ¾ inches tall to the tip of its horn, and 6 ½ inches long to the tip of its tail. It’s slightly larger than a standard index card. The Megacerops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Megalodon

    Safari WSD Megalodon

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Megalodon was a huge shark (almost 60 feet in length) that lived during the Cenozoic Era (23-2.6 million years ago). It probably looked like a larger, heavier version of the living great white shark. It was one of the most powerful predators that ever lived. Fossils of megalodon have been found in many places, and it is believed that it lived in all of the oceans of the world. History: Megalodon teeth have been collected for hundreds of years. During the renaissance, some people thought that they were the petrified tongues of dragons and snakes, but in 1667, the Danish scientist Nicolaus Steno recognized them as shark teeth. The famous Swiss zoologist Louis Agassiz, was the first to notice the similarity of the teeth of megalodon to those of the great white shark, and so called it Carcharodon megalodon, although some zoologists still think that megalodon is more closely related to other modern sharks, and put it in its own genus - Carcharocles. Scientific Name: Carcharodon or Carcharocles megalodon. Since we aren’t sure which sharks it is closely related to, we just use ‘megalodon’ informally. Characteristics: Like living sharks, megalodon had a skeleton made of cartilage, which does not fossilize well. Because of this, we have mostly teeth and vertebrae. The teeth are large (up to 7 inches in length), triangular in shape, with serrations on both cutting edges. By comparing these to the teeth and vertebrae of living sharks, we can estimate the actual size of a whole megalodon. Estimates of Megalodon's total length are speculation, as only partial remains are known, but it's safe to say our Megalodon toy is quite a bit smaller. The teeth of megalodon resemble those of the great white shark, although they are bigger, of course. Size: This Megalodon toy is 7.25 inches long and 4.25 inches wide. The Megalodon is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Monolophosaurus

    Safari WSD Monolophosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Monolophosaurus was a medium-sized theropod dinosaur (about 16 feet long) that lived during the Middle Jurassic Period (about 165 million years ago) in what is now China. It had a distinctive crest running the length of its snout, which is recreated on this Monolophosaurus toy. History: The first Monolophosaurus skeleton was discovered by a joint Canadian-Chinese expedition to Xinjiang Province of China in 1981. Although a few more partial skeletons have been found, Monolophosaurus remains a rare dinosaur. Scientific Name: Monolophosaurus, meaning ‘single-crested lizard’ Characteristics: The most conspicuous characteristic of Monolophosaurus is the single crest on the top of the animal’s head. Although Monolophosaurus looks a bit like the more famous Tyrannosaurus rex, it is much smaller and more primitive. Although it is bipedal, its front limbs are still quite large, and the hands still have three strong fingers that would have been useful in grasping prey. In these characteristics, it is more similar to, and more closely related to more primitive theropods like Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. Size: This Monolophosaurus toy is 7.5 inches long and 3 inches high. The Monolophosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Mosasaurus

    Safari WSD Mosasaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Mosasaurus was a large marine lizard that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period (70-66 million years ago) in shallow seas that covered what is now western Europe and North America. Mosasaurus was a top predator. A group of marine predators, the mosasaurs, are named after Mosasaurus. History: The first Mosasaurus fossil was collected in 1764 in the Netherlands. Nothing like it had been seen before, and so the first people to examine it weren’t sure what it was - it was thought to be a fish, a whale, or possibly a crocodile. Eventually, paleontologists studied them more closely, and realized that these were fossils of an enormous lizard similar to modern monitor lizards. Scientific Name: Mosasaurus, meaning ‘lizard of the Meuse River’ (using the Latin ‘mosa’, for Meuse. Characteristics: Mosasaurus resembles monitor lizards like the famous Komodo dragon in having a large head and long jaws full of long sharp teeth, and a long flexible tail. However, unlike the Komodo dragon, it has paddles rather than legs that were adapted for swimming, as this Mosasaurus toy reflects. Mosasaurus used its tail to propel itself through the water, and its paddles for steering. It was a large predator (more than 50 feet in length) that ate fish, turtles, ammonites, as well as plesiosaurs and other mosasaurs. Size: this Mosasaurus toy is 9.25 inches long and 3.25 inches high. The Mosasaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Nanotyranus

    Safari WSD Nanotyranus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Straight from the feature length Dino Dana film comes Nanotyrannus, the mini-tyrant dinosaur! Was this dino its own unique genus, or a juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex? Dino Dana: The Movie explores this question, and you can learn about different dinosaur growth stages with this officially licensed dino toy! Scientific Name: Nanotyrannus ("Dwarf Tyrant") Characteristics: This Nanotyrannus toy appropriately resembles a smaller version of T-Rex, since it's quite likely it represents a younger version of that famous dinosaur. Scientists have been divided on the validity of Nanotyrannus as its own genus, but most now believe it to be a juvenile stage of Tyrannosaurus. Its design and coloration are true to the look from the Dino Dana movie, with a reddish brown body and white stipes along its length. But that's not all - by using your phone to scan the QR code on the figure’s hangtag and downloading the Dino Dana app, you can scan the figure’s barcode to make this Nanotyrannus "come alive" in an Augmented Reality environment! Size: This Nanotyrannus figure measures 8 1/2 inches long, and almost 3 inches high.  The Dino Dana Nanotyrannus figure is part of the Dino Dana collection.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Pachycephalosaurus

    Safari WSD Pachycephalosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The distinctive dome-headed Pachycephalosaurus is believed to have used its thick skull during combat with others of its species, perhaps while trying to impress potential mates. They may have butted their heads together, or slammed them into each other’s sides. This detailed Pachycephalosaurus figure will transport you back to the Late Cretaceous Period! History: Pachycephalosaurus was formally discovered and named in 1931, though some fossil material may have been found much earlier. It is known only from skulls, and its body design is based on more completely known relatives including Stegoceras. It is believed that two similar pachycephalosaurs – Dracorex and Stygimoloch – may actually represent different growth stages of Pachycephalosaurus. This theory suggests that as the dinosaur grew, the spikes on its head became more blunt, and the dome on top of its skull became more pronounced. Scientific Name: Pachycephalosaurus (“thick-headed lizard”) Characteristics: This bone-headed Pachycephalosaurus toy features its trademark domed skull and bony knobs on its head that the dinosaur is well known for. Its head features an injury from combat, which is a feature that has been found on at least one Pachycephalosaur skull. Size: This Pachycephalosaurus toy figure is 8 inches long and 3 ¾ inches tall, about the size of a pair of scissors. The Pachycephalosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Parasaurolophus

    Safari WSD Parasaurolophus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Parasaurolophus was one of the largest known ‘duck-billed dinosaurs’ from North America. The tube-like, bony crest on its head may have produced loud trumpeting sounds. This peaceful plant eater walked on four legs most of the time, but could rear up and run on two legs when it was in a hurry. It occupied Canada during the Cretaceous Period about 75 million years ago. History: The stunning crest of Parasaurolphus has generated much speculation over the years. When Parasaurolophus was first discovered, it was presumed to be amphibious, and so some palaeontologists suggested it could use its hollow crest as a snorkel. However, the tip of the crest is completely closed, so this theory has been generally dismissed. Alternatively, it is possible that the hollow crest was used as a resonating chamber to generate loud bellowing sounds. Scientific Name: Parasaurolophus walkeri Characteristics: There is no mistaking Parasaurolophus’ distinctive crest, which is long, tubular, and backward-curving, as seen on our Parasaurolophus toy. This dinosaur had a broad, duck-like mouth which contained hundreds of blunt teeth. It had long, strong hind legs that ended in hoof-like claws. It reached massive sizes of up to 33 ft long. Size: This Parasaurolophus toy model is 7.75 inches long and 2.25 inches high. The Parasaurolophus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Patagotitian

    Safari WSD Patagotitian

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   First described in 2017, this long-necked dinosaur is one of the largest animals to ever walk the earth. It measured over 100 feet long!  Scientific Name: Patagotitan mayorum ("Titan from Patagonia, of Mayo") Characteristics: This dinosaur toy figure accurately represents what scientists believe this giant sauropod dinosaur may have looked like in life, with its long neck, thick legs, and long tail. It features a two toned brown coloration with striping and spots along its sides. Size: A big dinosaur deserves a big figure, and this Patagotitan toy figurine measures approximately 15 inches in length! The Patagotitan figure is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Postosuchus

    Safari WSD Postosuchus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Postosuchus was a large predator that prowled North America at the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs, approximately 210 million years ago. It was not a dinosaur, but a type of reptile called a rauisuchid. Postosuchus was the largest predator in its ecosystem. History:  An expedition from Texas Tech University in 1980 discovered the remains of a new reptile in the Triassic mudstone of Garza County, West Texas. In the following three years, eight more skeletons were discovered in the same area. This wealth of material allowed paleontologists to conduct a detailed study of its anatomy, and in 1985 of a full description of this new carnivore - Postosuchus - was published. Scientific Name: Postosuchus kirkpatricki Characteristics: Postosuchus was a meat-eating rauisuchid reptile with a deep snout and serrated dagger-like teeth. Unusually for a reptile it had straight legs and an upright stance. It could walk on its longer back legs, or sometimes on all fours. It had five-toed hands, four-toed feet, and a long tail. It had bony scutes distributed in rows along the top if its back and tail, as our Postosuchus toy depicts. Large adults reached up to 13 feet long. Size: This meticulously detailed Postosuchus toy figure is 7.5 inches long and 2.5 inches high. The Postosuchus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Prestosuchus

    Safari WSD Prestosuchus

    3 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Prestosuchus was a predatory reptile that lived during the Triassic Period in South America around 240 million years ago. It could grow over 20 feet long and had a massive head full of sharp teeth. Despite its dinosaur-like appearance, it was actually a rauisuchid, closely related to Postosuchus. Rauisuchids were not dinosaurs, but ancient relatives of crocodiles. History: Though Prestosuchus was first discovered and described around 1940, it wasn’t until 2013 that it was fully understood, as a nearly complete specimen was discovered that gave scientists new insight into how its leg muscles worked. This well preserved skeleton helped paleontologists learn how Prestosuchus walked and moved while alive. Scientific Name: Prestosuchus chiniquensis (“Prestes Crocodile” after paleontologist Vicentino Prestes de Almeida) Characteristics: Prestosuchus walked mostly on four legs, with its limbs held erect beneath its body, which our Prestosuchus toy reflects. Its head was very large with a deep skull, and it was likely covered in scales similar to its crocodile relatives. Size: This Prestosuchus toy measures 9 inches long and about 2 ½ inches tall, about the size of a pair of scissors. The Prestosuchus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    3 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Psittacosaurus XXX

    Safari WSD Psittacosaurus XXX

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Psittacosaurus, or the ‘parrot lizard’, was a small plant eating dinosaur that lived in Mongolia and China during the Early Cretaceous, 100 to 120 million years ago. About the size of a large dog, this peaceful creature used its beak and rough teeth to cut and crush tough plants. Recent discoveries revealed the skin color and pattern of Psittacosaurus and also showed that it had an unusual row of bristles along the top of its tail, which is reflected in our Psittacosaurus toy. History: A wealth of fossil material, including adults, juveniles, and babies, makes Psittacosaurus one of the best-known of all the dinosaurs. Soft tissues have even been found preserved in a Psittacosaurus skeleton discovered in Liaoning Province, China. This impressive fossil shows the outline of the body and even indicates the color and pattern of the skin, which was darker on top and lighter underneath. It also shows a row of bristles running along the top of the tail, which may have been for show. Scientific Name: Psittacosaurus mongoliensis Characteristics: Psittacosaurus was a small herbivore with a deep beak reminiscent of a parrot’s. It had a very wide head with spikes that protruded from its cheeks. It walked on two legs, but could also rest on its shorter arms. A row of long bristles protruded from top of its tail. Size: This accurately bristled Psittacosaurus toy figure is 5.25 inches long and 1.75 inches high. Its spotted brown color, darker on top and lighter below, reflects the latest scientific discoveries. The Psittacosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


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