Eldrador Creature Collection
- Run for cover: This fearsome and fiendish lava scorpion is well-hidden in the rugged rocks of the lava world, poised for attack at a moment's notice with its red-hot pincers and terrible tail
- Dynamic design: schleich make believe toys are built to create immersive play worlds. The lava scorpion's wicked, stinging tail can rotate 360 degrees while its claws move up and down
- Excellent craftsmanship: Not your average toy scorpion! This figurine is highly detailed and extremely durable - after all, the creatures of ELDRADOR are always ready for battle!
- ELDRADOR CREATURES: Regardless of which world they come from – Lava, Ice, Stone, Shadow or Jungle – the creatures from ELDRADOR only have one thing in mind: the superweapon!
- Where stories begin: Explore the world of schleich and unleash the limitless possibilities of storytelling and imaginative play. Our realistic toys and playsets are built to last generations