91 products

  • Last stock! WSD Stegosaurus II

    Safari WSD Stegosaurus II

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   One of the most popular dinosaurs of all time, the Stegosaurus is quite distinctive with its row of large bony plates along its back, and the four fearsome spikes on its tail. These spikes are believed to have been used to protect Stegosaurus from attacking Jurassic predators such as Allosaurus. History: Stegosaurus was discovered and described in 1877 by Othniel Charles Marsh. Originally, its plates were thought to lay flat on the dinosaur’s back, like a turtle’s shell. Later, more complete findings showed that they stood up vertically on Stegosaurus’s back, though their exact arrangement is still something of a mystery. Though sometimes shown in a symmetrical double row, the most widely accepted current theory is that the plates were staggered in two alternating rows. Scientific Name: Stegosaurus (Roofed Lizard) Characteristics: This Stegosaurus toy is glancing to its left with its tail tilted in the same direction, perhaps warning a predator not to get too close. It includes the dinosaur’s distinctive dorsal plates, tail spikes, and small armor-like throat scales. Size: This professionally painted Stegosaurus toy measures 8 ½ inches long and just over 4 inches to the top its tallest plate. It’s about as wide as a sheet of loose leaf paper and as tall as a ceramic mug. The Stegosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • WSD Stegosaurus XXX

    Safari WSD Stegosaurus XXX

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    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   One of the most popular and well-known dinosaurs, Stegosaurus was a very unique looking dinosaur, with its large armored plates and distinctive tail spines. It lived during the Jurassic Period (around 150 million years ago) in the same time and place as Allosaurus. Broken tail spines and wound marks in Allosaurus bones suggest that these two may have done battle with each other. Scientific Name: Stegosaurus (“covered” or “roofed” lizard) was named for the plates covering its back. Stegosaurus stenops is the type species. Characteristics: Stegosaurus is known from many complete skeletons, but the exact position of its tail spikes and dermal plates was long the subject of debate. It is now believed that the plates were arranged in an alternating pattern, with the tail spikes arranged in pairs, as our Stegosarusu toy depicts. Some paleontologists suggest that the arrangement of plates may have differed between Stegosaurus species. Size: This Stegosaurus toy is 6.75 inches long and 4 inches in height, making it about as long as a water bottle turned on its side, and a little shorter than a soda can. The Stegosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

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  • Last stock! WSD Styracosasaurus

    Safari WSD Styracosasaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Second perhaps only to Triceratops as the most well-known Ceratopsian, Styracosaurus lacked the eyebrow horns of its cousin, but more than made up for it with 4-6 long spikes on its neck frill, and a nose horn that could measure up to two feet long! History: Styracosaurus was discovered in Alberta Canada in 1913 by C. M. Sternberg, and named by Lawrence Lambe. The purpose of Styracosaurus’s large spikes and frill remain the subject of much debate among scientists. Many theories have been proposed, such as that the frill and horns were used in defense against predators (including the Tyrannosaurus relatives Gorgosaurus and Daspletosaurus), or that they served to impress potential mates (and thus may have been brightly colored), and that they helped regulate the dinosaur’s body temperature. Scientific Name: Styracosaurus (Spiked Lizard) Characteristics: This Styracosaurus toy figure features the typical Ceratopsian body, with four legs, a short tail, and a scaly hide with smaller scales intermittently broken up by larger ones, based on fossilized Ceratopsian skin impressions. Its neck frill features six long spikes, along with several shorter protrusions, and its distinctive nose horn projects from its beaked face. Size: Our Styracosaurus toy measures 8 inches long from its nose horn to the tip of its tail, and just over 3 ½ inches tall to the tip of its tallest frill spine. It’s about the size of a large index card. The Styracosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Suchomimus

    Safari WSD Suchomimus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Suchomimus was a theropod dinosaur that lived in the Lower Cretaceous (about 120 million years ago) in what is now Niger, Africa. ‘Suchomimus’ literally means ‘crocodile mimic’. History: Suchomimus was first discovered in 1997 by a team led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago. The best specimen is an incomplete skeleton lacking a skull. Fortunately, the same locality produced a partial skull and several individual bones, so it was possible to reconstruct a composite skeleton. Scientific Name: Suchomimus tenerensis Characteristics: Like many theropods, Suchomimus was large, at least 30 feet long. In contrast to most theropods, the skull of Suchomimus was extremely thin and had a low profile, as our Suchomimus toy shows. Its jaws were long and slender, and contained a total of about 120 conical teeth that did not resemble the blade-like teeth of most theropods. Size: This Suchomimus toy figure is 7.5 inches long and 3.75 inches high. The model has a dark green back and orange-yellow belly. The Suchomimus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD T Rex Green

    Safari WSD T Rex Green

    3 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest known theropod dinosaur. It lived in what is now western North America in the latest Cretaceous Period (68-66 million years ago). Tyrannosaurus rex, often called ‘T. rex’ because it is shorter, lived right up to the end of the Cretaceous Period, so was one of the last dinosaurs to have lived on earth. History: The very first Tyrannosaurus was found by the famous fossil collector, Barnum Brown in 1900 in Wyoming. Over the next five years, he collected four more skeletons, and Henry Osborn, from the American Museum of Natural History in New York studied these skeletons and named Tyrannosaurus rex in 1905. The largest of Brown’s skeletons can be seen on display At the American Museum, and another is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Scientific name: Tyrannosaurus rex meaning ‘tyrant lizard’ and ‘king’ Characteristics: In real life, Tyrannosaurus, was large (at least 40 feet long), stout and muscular (5-6 metric tons), but our Tyrannosaurus Rex figure is much smaller. It ran on its thick hind legs. Its huge jaws contained lots of sharp, six inch long teeth. Each tooth had a serrated blade on both the front and back edges that could easily have cut through any prey. Its front limbs were tiny and its hands had only two little fingers. We don’t know what these fingers were for, but they were far too small and weak to walk on, fight off other dinosaurs, or grasp prey. Size: This Tyrannosaurus Rex figure is 7 inches long and 4 inches high. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    3 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD T-Rex

    Safari WSD T-Rex

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest theropod dinosaurs that ever existed. Its scientific name, Tyrannosaurus (‘tyrant lizard’) rex (‘king’) says it all. It lived in what is now western North America in the latest Cretaceous (68-66 million years ago). T. rex went extinct at the very end of the Cretaceous, and so is one of the last dinosaurs to have lived on earth. Scientific Name: Tyrannosaurus rex Characteristics: Tyrannosaurus rex was a large (at least 40 feet), massively built (5-6 metric tons), bipedal dinosaur. The head was huge as our Tyrannosaurus rex toy shows, and the jaws contained lots of sharp teeth, some at least six inches in length! Each tooth had serrations on both the front and back edges, working like a steak knife to easily cut through the flesh of its prey. Tyrannosaurus rex would have been able to take down and eat any dinosaur it wanted to. Size: This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy model is 8.75 inches long and 3.25 inches high. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA fr

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Tapejara

    Safari WSD Tapejara

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Tapejara was a pterosaur that lived in what is now Brazil during the Cretaceous Period (112 million years ago). Pterosaurs were flying reptiles. Although they were not dinosaurs, they were more closely related to them than any other known reptiles. For this reason, paleontologists refer to dinosaurs and pterosaurs as ‘sistergroups’. History: At least three different species of Tapejara have been described, but closer examination has recently shown that there is really only one species, Taejara wellnhoferi, named after the famous German paleontologist Peter Wellnhofer, who has studied and written about many pterosaurs. Scientific Name: Tapejara, meaning ‘old being’ Characteristics: Like all pterosaurs, Tapejara had long pointed wings made of skin that was supported by a single, incredibly long finger along the leading (front) edge. In its structure, the wing of Tapejara is much more like that of a modern bat then a bird, whose wings are made mostly of feathers. Despite these similarities, pterosaurs are not closely related to either bats or birds. Although some pterosaurs are the size of small airplanes, Tapejara is quite small, no bigger than a goose. The most striking feature of Tapejara is the huge crest on its skull. It is believed that the crest may have helped steer it during flight, like the rudder of an airplane. It could also have been used to catch the attention of other Tapejara, much the as a rooster uses the brightly colored comb on its head to impress hens during courtship. Size: this model is 3.75 inches long and 8.25 inches wide. The Tapejara is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Triceratops

    Safari WSD Triceratops

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The three-horned Triceratops is the most famous – and most gigantic – of all the horned dinosaurs. This iconic animal browsed for plants in North America during the Late Cretaceous, 65 million years ago. History:  Triceratops was the first horned dinosaur ever found, which is why it is so famous. The first fossil of Triceratops was discovered in Colorado in 1887. It consisted of a pair of horns that, at first, were thought to belong to an extinct species of bison, but more complete material from Wyoming and Montana showed this was a new type of dinosaur. Scientific Name: Triceratops horridus Characteristics: Triceratops is best known for its horns: a short one on its nose, and a long horn over each eye, which are accurately depicted in our Triceratops toy. It also has a curved beak, and a solid bony frill on the back of its head. It walked on four short robust legs. Its front legs have five toes, of which three have blunt claws, and the hind feet have four large toes with hoof-like claws. At 26 ft long it was one of the largest horned dinosaurs. Size: This Triceratops toy is 8 inches long and 2.75 inches high. The Triceratops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • WSD Triceratops XXX

    Safari WSD Triceratops XXX

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    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   One of the most well-known dinosaurs of all time, Triceratops is easily recognized by its two large brow horns, its short nose horn and its large bony shield-like frill. History: Triceratops was one of the last non-bird dinosaurs, living right up until the extinction event that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period around 66 million years ago. Since its discovery in 1889, numerous remains have been found including complete skeletons, making this one of the most well-known and understood dinosaurs. Examples of young, middle-aged and older Triceratops have been discovered. Scientific Name: Triceratops Characteristics:  This Triceratops toy is rearing its head up, perhaps to brandish its formidable horns at a predator. This figure is full of scaly details and scientifically accurate features, including its horns, beak, frill, stocky body and short tail. Size: This Triceratops toy is 7 ¾ inches long and 4 ¼ inches tall at the tip of its horns, or about as long as the width of a standard sheet of paper. The Triceratops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

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  • WSD Tylosaurus

    Safari WSD Tylosaurus

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    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tylosaurus was a ferocious marine lizard that powered itself through the water with sweeping motions of its long body and fish-like tail. At a massive 46 ft long, it was about the size of a humpback whale and one of the largest mosasaurs. It lived in the Western Interior Seaway of North America during the Late Cretaceous, from about 75 to 85 million years ago. History: The first Tylosaurus remains were discovered in the 1860s after the American Civil War. The first specimen was described by Edward Drinker Cope in 1869 as ‘Macrosaurus’ proriger. Hot on his heels in 1870, Cope’s arch-rival, Othniel Charles Marsh, began the first fossil hunting expeditions of Yale College. These uncovered more fossils of this ancient marine reptile. In 1872 Marsh created the name Tylosaurus, which means ‘knob (or snout) lizard’, in reference to the elongated bony muzzle that projects beyond the last teeth in the upper jaws. Scientific Name: Tylosaurus proriger Characteristics: The predatory Tylosaurus had a long, streamlined body and a large skull with pointed jaws filled with sharp, conical teeth. The bases of the teeth in large individuals could be the size of a clenched human fist. It had extra rows of teeth on the roof of its mouth to hold struggling prey, which can be seen if you look in the throat out of our Tylosaurus toy. Its limbs were broad, flattened flippers and its long tail probably ended with an expanded lobe to provide extra thrust. Size: This Tylosaurus toy model is 9.25 inches long and 1.5 inches high. The Tylosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

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  • Last stock! WSD Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Safari WSD Tyrannosaurus Rex

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Tyrannosaurus rex , or “T-Rex”, is one of the most well-known dinosaurs of all time. And with good reason! It’s one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs ever found, growing to over 40 feet long, with teeth that could measure over a foot in length! This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy figure is much smaller than the real thing, but still full of excellent details (and teeth)! History: This theropod dinosaur was one of the last non-bird dinosaurs, dying out at the end of the Cretaceous Period around 66 million years ago. Throughout time T-Rex has been thought of as both a predator and a scavenger, though today most scientists believe it was a hunter who preyed on other dinosaurs, such as ceratopsians and ornithopods. Scientific name: Tyrannosaurus rex meaning ‘tyrant lizard’ and ‘king’ Characteristics: This Tyrannosaurus figure is rearing up with its mouth wide open, showing off its renowned chompers. This is a great figure for young dino-fans looking for a detailed and accurate version of the tyrant lizard on a small scale. Size: This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy figure measures about 7 inches long and 4 ½ inches tall. It’s around the size of a post card. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Uintatherium XXX

    Safari WSD Uintatherium XXX

    4 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   The Uintatherium is a large, rhinoceros-like herbivore from the Eocene epoch, roughly 40 million years ago. Its unique head featured six bony knobs, and two tusks in its upper jaw. History: Uintatherium was the subject of a heated competition during the “Bone Wars” in which paleontologists Joseph Leidy, O. C. Marsh and Edward Cope were each trying to be the first to name and describe the fossils they had found. Leidy would end up the winner, naming the strange-skulled creature “Uintatherium”, though the rivalry took a toll. Though Leidy is widely considered to be the father of U.S. vertebrate paleontology, the prolonged battles surrounding Uintatherium would lead to him leaving the field altogether. Scientific Name: Uintatherium (“Beast from Uinta Mountains”) Characteristics: This Uintatherium figure has a detailed hide reminiscent of a rhinoceros or an elephant. While this professionally painted Uintatherium toy may seem a little grumpy, we’re sure he’d be happy to come home with you. Size:  This Uintatherium toy is 5 ¾ inches long and 2 ¾ inches tall, or about the size of a small index card. The Uintatherium is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    4 in stock


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