84 products

  • GD Apatosaurus

    Safari GD Apatosaurus

    13 in stock

    Great Dinos Collection Apatosaurus was a sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic Period (about 152 million years ago) in what is now western North America. It was one of the largest terrestrial animals to have ever existed, measuring at least 70 feet in length and weighing about 20 tons. Scientific Name: Apatosaurus, meaning ‘deceptive lizard’ Characteristics: Apatosaurus was a quadruped with a long neck and whip-like tail, which our Apatosaurus toy shows. It had a small head with a peculiar short, squared-off snout and chisel-like teeth that were used to crop vegetation. Its body was stout, and its front legs were slightly shorter than its back legs. Being very large and heavy, they could not walk very fast. Size and Color: This Apatosaurus toy model is 15.5 inches long and 6.5 inches high. It is medium gray-blue with subtle dark gray mottling on its back. Such coloring would have provided some camouflaging, but this would not have been that important for such a huge animal. The Apatosaurus is part of the Great Dinos collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free  

    13 in stock


  • GD Spinosaurus

    Safari GD Spinosaurus

    13 in stock

    Great Dinos Collection The infamous Spinosaurus was a well equipped dinosaur that certainly ruled the wild. It grew to nearly 50 feet long and was well suited to fish for its food with its fearsome claws. Scientific Name: Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. Spinosauruse means "spine lizard" while aegyptiacus refers to Egype, where its remains were found Characteristics: The most distinctive feature of this dinosaur was the large sail on its back, which is replicated on our Spinosaurus toy. Much of its anatomy remained a mystery, but it was eventually revealed to have a narrow skull well suited for catching fish. Size and Color: Our Great Dinos Spinosaurus toy is 11 inches long and 6 inches high, and features a vibrant orange and yellow paint scheme,, with black spots on its neck, sail and tail. The Spinosaurus is part of the Great Dinos collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free  

    13 in stock


  • GD Stegosaurus

    Safari GD Stegosaurus

    10 in stock

    Great Dinos Collection Stegosaurus was a large armored plant-eating dinosaur that lived during the Upper Jurassic Period (155-150 million years ago) in what is now western North America. It had an unusually small head, and although an adult would have weighed over 4.5 metric tons, its brain would have weighed less than three ounces. This led to the suggestion that Stegosaurus was extremely dull-witted, but it was clearly a successful dinosaur, so its small brain obviously wasn’t a problem. Scientific Name: Stegosaurus, meaning ‘covered lizard’ for the bony plates that covered its back. Characteristics: Stegosaurus has extremely short front limbs that gives it a very rounded back and places its small head very close to the ground. Because of this, it is thought that it would have been restricted to feeding at or near ground level. As depicted in this Stegosaurus toy, this dinosaur had two sets of long bony spikes on the tail that probably functioned in defense against predators, and a double row of plates along its back. Size and Color: This Stegosaurus toy model is 12.25 inches long and 6.5 inches high. It is mostly brown and red earth tones with some yellow, allowing the animal to blend into its surroundings. The Stegosaurus is part of the Great Dinos collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free  

    10 in stock


  • GD Tricerarops

    Safari GD Tricerarops

    6 in stock

    Great Dinos Collection Triceratops was a large herbivorous horned dinosaur that lived during the very end of the Cretaceous Period (68-66 million years ago) in what is now western North America. Scientific Name: Triceratops. There are two closely related species: Triceratops prorsus and Triceratops horridus. Characteristics: Triceratops can be recognized by the presence of a horn on its snout and a horn over each eye, which our Triceratops toy accurately shows. (Triceratops literally means ‘three horned face’), as well as an extensive bony ‘frill’ that projected from the back of the skull and covered the neck. This is a Triceratops prorsus, which had a larger, more upright nasal horn. Size and Color: This Triceratops toy model is 10.5 inches long and 4 inches high. It is mostly dark gray with some earth tone patches to make it difficult for predators to see in the distance. The light gray horns and frill edges would have caught the attention of other Triceratops The Triceratops is part of the Great Dinos collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free  

    6 in stock


  • GD Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Safari GD Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Great Dinos Collection Tyrannosaurus rex was a very large theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now western North America in the Late Cretaceous Period (68-66 million years ago). It went extinct with the last of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Scientific name: Tyrannosaurus rex meaning ‘tyrant lizard’ and ‘king’ Characteristics: Tyrannosaurus, at least 40 feet long, and 5-6 metric tons in weight, was top of the food chain in the Late Cretaceous. While our Tyrannosaurus Rex toy is much smaller than the real thing, it doesn't skimp on the details! This dinosaur's huge jaws contained lots of dagger-like, six inch teeth that it used to slice apart prey. Size and color: This Tyrannosaurus Rex toy is 12 inches long and 5.5 inches high. Like many living lizards, its upper parts are in dark, neutral earth tones with slightly lighter underparts. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is part of the Great Dinos collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA   


  • GD Velociraptor

    Safari GD Velociraptor

    10 in stock

    Great Dinos Collection Velociraptor was a small theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous Period (about 75 million years ago). Although small by dinosaur standards (not much more than 6 feet in length and 30 pounds in weight), it was a fierce predator, using its speed and sharp claws to capture prey. Velociraptor was a star in the Jurassic Park movie series. Scientific Name: Velociraptor, meaning ‘swift seizer (or robber)’. Characteristics: Velociraptor was bipedal, with a long tail. Although the front limbs were not used in locomotion, they were large, with strong hands. Both front and hind feet had long sickle- shaped claws. It is believed that Velociraptor would grasp its prey using these claws and use its weight to immobilize the prey, and then use its jaws to finish the job. Velociraptor belongs to the group of dinosaurs that are closely related to birds. The hands and fingers are particularly bird-like in their structure, and like birds, Velociraptor had feathers on its arms, as this Velociraptor toy depicts. There may have been feathers on other parts of the body, but we still aren’t sure. Size and Color: This Velociraptor toy is 12.5 inches long and 6 inches high. It is colored in a camouflage brown with dark red vertical stripes that would have allowed it to blend in to the background and make it easier to sneak up on prey. The Velociraptor is part of the Great Dinos collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free  

    10 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Acrocanthosaurus

    Safari WSD Acrocanthosaurus

    4 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Acrocanthosaurus was a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Early Cretaceous period (115-110 million years ago). At nearly 40 feet long and 6 tons, it was the largest predator of its time. Like most bipedal theropods, the forelimbs were too small to have reached the ground, and so were not used for walking. History: Partial skeletons of Acrocanthosaurus was first discovered in Oklahoma in the early 1940s, and named in 1950. Because a lot of the bones were missing, we weren’t sure exactly what Acroacanthosaurus looked like. In the 1990s, much more complete skeletons were discovered, providing more information on the unusual spines on the backbone, and allowing us to understand how the front limbs were used for hunting. Scientific Name: Acrocanthosaurus, meaning ‘high spined lizard’, referring to the unusually tall spines on the vertebrae of the back. Characteristics: The vertebrae of the back of Acroacanthosaurus have very tall spines along the backbone that served as attachment points for large back muscles, much like a modern bison. These muscles helped to support the large head, and stabilized the large body and tail. You can see evidence of this in the ‘humped’ back of our Acrocanthosaurus toy model. Size: This Acrocanthosaurus toy is 8.25 inches in length, and 3.5 inches in height. The Acrocanthosaurus is part of the Wild Safari Prehistoric World collection.

    4 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Albertosaurus

    Safari WSD Albertosaurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection This relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex was smaller and more lightly built, but it was still a formidable predator of the Late Cretaceous Period. Found in what is now Alberta, Canada, some scientists believe Albertosaurus may have hunted together in packs. Scientific Name: Albertosaurus ("Alberta Lizard") sarcophagus ("Flesh Eater") Characteristics: This dinosaur toy is an accurate and highly detailed figure showing what Albertosaurus may have looked like in life. It is similar to T-Rex, its cousin who lived a few million years later, but slimmer and smaller. This Albertosaurus has a speculative pattern of brown and aqua coloration, which might have been something the dinosaur could have used to camouflage amongst the plants and foliage of its habitat. Size: Though smaller than the Tyrannosaurus, this Albertosaurus toy is still a sizable figure at almost 10 inches in length from nose to tail. It stands just over 3 inches tall. The Albertosaurus figure is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Allosaurus

    Safari WSD Allosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Allosaurus is one of the best known large carnivorous dinosaurs from North America and Europe. It hunted during the Jurassic, around 150 million years ago, and was the largest and most abundant predator in its ecosystem. History: Allosaurus fragilis was one of the first large meat-eating dinosaurs discovered and named in North America. Bones now regarded as probably Allosaurus remains were described in 1870 under the name of ’Antrodemus’, but the first definitive bones of Allosaurus were found in Cañon City, Colorado, and described in 1877 by the eminent American paleontologist, Othniel Charles Marsh of Yale university. Since then, the fossilized remains of at least 60 Allosaurus individuals have been found and described from across the USA, including some complete skeletons. Scientific Name: Allosaurus fragilis Characteristics: Allosaurus was a muscular carnivore with large jaws filled with sharp curved teeth. It had a low triangular projection above each eye, which our Allosaurus toy accurately reflects. It walked on two long legs with three-toed feet and sharp curved claws. It had short arms with three-fingered hands, and a long counterbalancing tail. The largest Allosaurus reached 32 feet long, the size of a minibus. Size: This Allosaurus toy figure is 7.5 inches long and 3.75 inches high. The Allosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Amargasaurus

    Safari WSD Amargasaurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Named for the La Amarga geographic formation in Argentina, Amargasaurus is known from an almost entirely complete skeleton that showcases its most distinct feature – two rows of large spines along the back of its neck. History: Amargasaurus was small for a sauropod, measuring only about 33 feet long. The function of its spines isn’t known, though it may have been used the same way modern day antelopes use their horns (to ward off predators who try to attack by leaping onto their backs). Amargasaurus is known from a single, nearly complete skeleton discovered in 1984 by Guillermo Rougier - The only significant piece missing from this specimen was most of the skull. Scientific Name: Amargasaurus cazaui Characteristics:  Amargasaurus was in many ways a typical sauropod dinosaur, with a long neck and a long tail, meeting in a wide midsection supported by four relatively slender legs. For a sauropod, its neck is comparatively small, and this Amargasaurus toy figure replicates its unique rows of spines along its length. Size and Color: The Amargasaurus toy measures a whopping 16 inches long and just over 4 1/2 inches high. The Amargasaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Ammonite

    Safari WSD Ammonite

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Ammonites were a group of marine molluscs related to modern octopus, squids and cuttlefish that first appeared in the Devonian Period (about 400 million years ago) and went extinct 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Unlike octopus and squids and cuttlefish, ammonites have a large external shell that makes them look a bit like huge snails. History: The shells of ammonites sometimes preserves a shiny, ‘mother-of-pearl’ layer (called ‘ammolite’) that can be used to make attractive jewelry. Scientific Name: ‘Ammonite’ is an informal term for all animals in the mollusk group Ammonoidea. They are named for the Egyptian god ‘Ammon’. Ammon is usually depicted with ram’s horns on his head, which look a lot like the coiled shells of many species of ammonite. Characteristics: All ammonites have a large external shell, as this Ammonite toy shows. Most shells are coiled, but some species have a more complicated helical shape, while others have simple, straight shells. The shells are divided into many chambers, and the divisions to these chambers form complicated patterns on the outside of the shell. The sort parts of ammonites are rarely preserved, but like living octopus, squid and cuttlefish, they had a large head that projected out of the opening in the shell. The head would have had a large brain and well developed eyes, and at least 8 tentacles. Size: This Ammonite toy model is 5.25 inches long and 2.5 inches high. The Ammonite is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Ankylosaurus

    Safari WSD Ankylosaurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Covered in armor and weighing up to 13,000 lbs., Ankylosaurus was the tank of the dinosaur world. It’s name means “fused lizard”, because the bones in its skull and many other areas are fused together, making this dinosaur that much tougher and harder. Add a tail club for good measure, and you’ve got a creature that most predators would think twice about messing with! History: Ankylosaurus was first discovered in 1906 by Barnum Brown in Montana. Based on these incomplete remains, Brown created a reconstruction that lacked the characteristic tail club, and also had its osteoderms (armor plates) arranged in near parallel rows. Future specimens would reveal the tail club and more osteoderms of varied shapes and sizes - it was not formally described in full until Kenneth Carpenter undertook the task in 2004. Scientific Name: Ankylosaurus magniventris Characteristics:  Ankylosaurus was covered in bony protective plates, and professionally painted Ankylosaurus toy figure reflects that feature in exacting detail. Its tail club is raised defensively, as if preparing to strike at an attacking foe. Size: The Ankylosaurus toy is 7 1/2 inches long and 2 ½ inches high to the tip of his raised tail. It’s a bit longer than a soda can on its side, and about as wide. The Ankylosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


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