84 products

  • Last stock! WSD Anzu Wyliei

    Safari WSD Anzu Wyliei

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Anzu wyliei represents the first well-known fossil evidence of oviraptorosaur dinosaurs in the United States. It lived in what is now North and South Dakota, and like others in the order Oviraptorosauria, it featured a prominent crest on its forehead, a specialized beak, and was likely covered in feathers. Anzu was large for an oviraptorosaur, measuring over 10 feet long. History: While the first remains of Anzu wyliei were discovered in 1998, it wasn’t until 2014 that the dinosaur was fully studied and described. Prior to Anzu’s discovery, Oviraptorosaurs (members of the order Oviraptorosauria) were known only in Asia. Anzu’s specialized beak indicates that it may have eaten a wide variety of food, from eggs to plants to small animals. Scientific Name: Anzu wyliei (“Anzu” is a feathered demon of Sumerian mythology, “wyliei” honors Wylie J. Tuttle, the grandson of a donor to the museum where the fossils are held) Characteristics: Our Anzu Wyliei toy is posed in mid-run, and features intricately detailed plumage, painted in striking colors.   Size: This Anzu Wyliei toy figure measures 5 1/4 inches long and 3 ¼ inches high, or about the size of a standard index card. The Anzu wyliei is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection.

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Apatosaurus

    Safari WSD Apatosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Apatosaurus was a sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic Period (about 152 million years ago) in what is now western North America. It was a large animal, being at least 70 feet in length, ad weighted about 20 tons, but some old adults were probably a lot bigger. Thankfully, this Apatosaurus toy is small enough to fit in your home! History: The history of Apatosaurus is confusing - The first skeleton, found in the 1870’s, lacked a skull. Although some bones of its skeleton looked a lot like Diplodocus, which lived at the same time, other bones looked more like another dinosaur called Camarosaurus’ . This made it difficult to figure out exactly where Apatosaurus fit in with other dinosaurs. We now know that the skull of Apatosaurus looked more like Diplodocus than Camarosaurus’ , so we able to put Apatosaurus and Diplodocus in the same family. Scientific Name: Apatosaurus Characteristics: Apatosaurus was a large quadrupedal dinosaur with a long neck and whip-like tail. Like most sauropods, it had a stout body, and its front legs were slightly shorter than its back legs. It was once thought that large sauropods like Apatosaurus would have been too heavy to have supported themselves on land, so were forced to float themselves in water. We now have fossil footprints that show that this is incorrect – they walked on land, although not very quickly, with top speeds of less than 20 miles per hour. Size: This Apatosaurus toy is 13 inches long and 5 inches high. The Apatosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Archaeopteryx

    Safari WSD Archaeopteryx

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Archaeopteryx shook the scientific world when it was announced in 1861. This small crow-sized creature had large feathers but also retained primitive reptilian features including sharp teeth, hands, and a long bony tail. This ‘missing link’ between reptiles and birds helped to shape our understanding of dinosaur evolution. To this day, Archaeopteryx is still the most ancient fossil bird ever found, and one of the most famous fossils in the world. It lived in Germany during the late Jurassic, 150 million years ago. History: The first Archaeopteryx skeleton was announced in 1861 after being excavated by quarrymen from the Solnhofen Limestone deposits of Bavaria, Germany. Earlier that year an isolated feather had been described from the same deposits under the name of Archaeopteryx, or ‘ancient feather’. It was clear that the partially articulated fossil skeleton, which was preserved in stunning detail with a fan of feathers spreading from its arms and tail, belonged to the same remarkable creature. Scientific Name: Archaeopteryx lithographica Characteristics: Archaeopteryx was a small carnivorous flying bird about the size of a crow. Its most striking characteristic is its long feathers which are essentially identical to those of modern birds, as this Archaeopteryx toy accurately replicates. Its jaws were filled with tiny sharp teeth and it had a long feathered tail. It could walk on two long legs with four toes, and had three fingered hands. Size: This Archaeopteryx toy figure has a wingspan of 4.25 inches and is 3.75 inches long. The Archaeopteryx is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Baryonyx

    Safari WSD Baryonyx

    4 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   A relative of Spinosaurus, Baryonyx had a long, slender snout full of teeth that suggested it hunted fish. It is named for the first claw on each hand, which was notably larger than the others. History: Amateur fossil hunter William Walker found a large claw in Surrey, England in 1983. After it was brought to the attention of the Natural History Museum of London, a group of paleontologists traveled to the site to locate the reset of the skeleton. The discovery was eventually named Baryonyx in 1986. It was, at the time, the first theropod dinosaur discovered from the Early Cretaceous Period. Scientific Name: Baryonyx walkeri (“Heavy Claw of Walker”) Characteristics: This Baryonyx toy is scientifically accurate and full of detail. Its stepping forward with its crocodile-like mouth wide open, showing off its teeth. It’s ready to chomp down some fish! Size: This Baryonyx toy figure is about 9 inches in length and just over 3 ½ inches in height. The Baryonyx is part of our Wild Safari Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    4 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Brachiosaurus

    Safari WSD Brachiosaurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Brachiosaurus was a large sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic (155-150 million years ago) in what is now western North America. Our Brachiosaurus toy accurately depicts this giant rare dinosaur, though it's much smaller than the real thing. History: Unfortunately, Brachiosaurus is a rare dinosaur, and very few additional bones have been found over the years, so the picture remains incomplete. Fortunately, skeletons of a closely related sauropod called Giraffatitan from Africa had the missing bones, so these were copied and added to the incomplete skeleton of Brachiosaurus, completing the puzzle. This composite skeleton was exhibited at the Field Museum of Natural history until it was moved to O’Hare International Airport to make room for ‘SUE’, the famous Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton. Scientific Name: Brachiosaurus Characteristics: Brachiosaurus was one of the largest dinosaurs, about 85 feet (26 metres) in length, and weighed about 35 metric tons. It had a very small head, long neck and tail, and walked on all fours. Unlike all other four footed dinosaurs, the front legs of Brachiosaurus were longer, rather than shorter, than the hind legs. In combination with its long neck, this allowed Brachiosaurus to reach leaves at least 30 metres (9 metres) into the forest canopy, giving it a big advantage over all other herbivorous dinosaurs. Size: This Brachiosaurus toy is 9 inches long and 8 inches high. The Brachiosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Carcharodontosaurus

    Safari WSD Carcharodontosaurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Carcharodontosaurus was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs of all time. This terrifying theropod was named after the great white shark, Carcharodon, and rivalled the mighty T. rex in both size and ferocity. It prowled the river deltas of northern Africa during the Late Cretaceous, 93 million years ago. History: Carcharodontosaurus fossils are known from Late Cretaceous deposits across Northern Africa. It shared its coastal plain and river delta environments with several other large predatory dinosaurs, including Spinosaurus and Deltadromeus. It is still a mystery how so many different large predators could have lived alongside each other in an environment with limited prey resources. Scientific Name: Carcharodontosaurus saharicus Characteristics: As our Carcharodontosaurus toy shows, Carcharodontosaurus is a giant two-legged carnivore with a large narrow head, jaws filled with sharp blade-like teeth, and a long counterbalancing tail. It has long muscular legs with three-toed feet, short arms with three-fingered hands, and sharp curved claws. Size: This detailed and accurate Carcharodontosaurus toy figure is 8.87 inches long and 4 inches high. The Carcharodontosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Carnotaurus

    Safari WSD Carnotaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection One of the most unique Theropod dinosaurs ever discovered, Carnotaurus had many features that make it unlike any other dinosaur, including its unusually deep skull topped with two short, spiky horns. This meat eater lived around 70 million years ago in what is now Argentina. History: Carnotaurus is one of the few Theropods found with well preserved skin impressions that give us a better idea of how the dinosaur looked in life. At least part of its body was covered in raised knobby “scutes” that may have served to protect Carnotaurus as they engaged in combat with each other, perhaps to impress a mate. This is also believed to be the reason for its thick, powerful neck and the horns above its brow. Scientific Name: Carnotaurus (“Meat-eating Bull”) sastrei Characteristics: This Carnotaurus toy is scientifically accurate and highly detailed, showing off this dinosaur’s many unique traits, including its deep skull, spiked brow horns, tiny arms and bumpy knobs covering its body. It is sculpted in a walking pose, perhaps on the prowl for a Saltasaurus to eat. Size: This Carnotaurus toy figure measures nearly 11 inches long and is 4 inches tall. It’s about as long as a standard American ruler. The Carnotaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Ceratosaurus

    Safari WSD Ceratosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   The horned Ceratosaurus is one of the most distinctive meat-eating dinosaurs. This medium-sized predator lived in North America and Europe during the Jurassic, around 150 million years ago. History: Ceratosaurus was named in 1884 by the eminent American paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh of Yale University. Marsh based his description on an almost complete skeleton from Colorado. In reference to its most distinctive feature, Marsh named it Ceratosaurus, meaning ‘horned lizard’, and gave it the species name C. nasicornis, meaning ‘ornamental nose’. Scientific Name: Ceratosaurus nasicornis Characteristics: Ceratosaurus was a slender carnivore with a distinctive large skull with a blade-like horn on its snout and a small horn over each eye. It walked on two long legs and had three-toed feet and sharp curved claws. It had very short but powerful arms with four-fingered hands, although only three fingers had claws. It had rows of small bony plates embedded in the skin of its neck and back, and had a long tail to help it stay balanced. All of these details can be found on our Ceratosaurus toy. The largest specimens suggest adults reached up to 22 feet long, though this figure is much smaller. Size: This Ceratosaurus toy is 7.75 inches long and 4 inches high. The Ceratosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Citipati XXX

    Safari WSD Citipati XXX

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   While not as popular as its relative Oviraptor, Citipati is much more well understood by paleontologists. In fact, most artistic depictions of Oviraptor are actually based on Citipati. This ten foot long theropod dinosaur lived during the Late Cretaceous and was very likely covered in feathers. History: Citipati is a member of the Oviraptoridae family - “Oviraptor” means “Egg Thief”, and it was originally believed that these dinosaurs preyed upon the eggs of other animals due to their remains being discovered near nests of eggs presumed to be from other dinosaurs. The discovery of several Citipati skeletons sitting on top of nests full of eggs, however, flipped that entire notion on its head and showed that the animals were not stealing other dino eggs, but raising their own. Scientific Name: Citipati (named after a spirit in the Buddhist faith) Characteristics: This Citipati toy figure is posed in a walking stance with its head turned to the left, possibly alerted to the presence of a predator. With feathers over nearly its entire body, this figure is meticulously sculpted and hand-painted, showing off its striking bold plumage. Size: This Citipati toy measures 7 inches long and just over 4 ¼ inches tall. It’s about the size of a large index card. The Citipatis is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Coelacanth

    Safari WSD Coelacanth

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The coelacanth is the common name of a large marine fish that is found today near the Comoro Islands off the east coast of Africa. It belongs to an ancient group of fish that is thought to be closely related to the first amphibians. It is sometimes referred to as a ‘living fossil,’ because until recently it was thought that all members of the group that it belongs have been extinct for 66 million years. History: In 1938, a museum curator named Marjorie Courtenay Latimer was looking over the daily catch of a local South African fisherman, when she spotted an unusual fish. A closer examination revealed that it was a coelacanth, a lobe-finned fish that everyone thought had gone extinct in the Late Cretaceous Period 66 million years ago. Scientific Name: Latimeria, after Marjorie Courtenay Latimer, who discovered the first specimen of the only living coelacanth. Characteristics: The living coelacanth, Latimeria, belongs to a group called the lobe-finned fish. Unlike practically all living fish that have fins made of simple bony rays and skin, lobe-finned fish have large fins with bones and muscles in them. It is believed that the limbs of the first amphibians evolved from fins like these. Size: This model is 5.5 inches long and 2.5 inches high. The Coelacanth is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Coelophysis

    Safari WSD Coelophysis

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Coelophysis was one of the first agile meat-eating dinosaurs. This relatively small theropod scurried around what is now New Mexico during the Triassic Period, at the dawn of the age of the dinosaurs, 200 million years ago. History: Coelophysis was first discovered and described in the 1880s based on some partial fossils. It remained poorly known until 1947, when hundreds of complete and near-complete skeletons were discovered at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, USA. Excavated and studied by the American Museum of Natural History, this ‘graveyard’ of specimens contained both young and old individuals. Scientific Name: Coelophysis bauri Characteristics: As this Coelophysis toy shows, this dinosaur is a delicately built, two-legged carnivore with slender legs and three-toed feet. It had sharp, serrated teeth and was roughly 10 ft long, from head to tail. Size: This slender Coelophysis toy model is 7.25 inches long and 2.5 inches high. The Coelophysis is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Cryolophosaurus

    Safari WSD Cryolophosaurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Cryolophosaurus was a meat-eating dinosaur that was discovered in what is now Antarctica. It lived in the Jurassic Period, 190 million years ago, when Antarctica was located much closer to the Equator, and thus was much warmer than it is today. This dino sported a very distinctive crown-like crest on its head. Scientific Name: Cryolophosaurus ("Cold Crest Lizard") Characteristics: This dinosaur toy is a detailed, accurate depiction of this interesting dinosaur. Scientists aren't sure how to classify Cryolophosaurus, as it possesses many features found in earlier meat-eating dinosaurs, as well as later, more advanced dinosaurs. Its prominent crest may have served as a display to attract mates. This figure's crest is painted a bright red to accentuate the display aspect. The rest of the figure is blue-gray above, brown on the sides and cream-colored underneath, with a striped pattern along the tail. Size: This dinosaur toy figure measures nearly 8 inches in length, and is just over 3 inches tall. The Cryolophosaurus figure is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


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