84 products

  • Last stock! WSD Daeodon

    Safari WSD Daeodon

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Daeodon was an entelodont – a group of prehistoric hoofed mammals that resembled pigs. In fact, Daeodon was once known as “Dinohyus” which means “Terrible Pig”. Daeodons had huge heads that could measure up to three feet long, and they were omnivores, which means they ate plants and other animals. They ranged across the United States between 20 and 30 million years ago. History: Daeodon was discovered in 1878 by paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope, but was not classified as an entelodont until some 30 years later. Many other genera, including Dinohyus, would later be folded into the Daeodon genus. Daeodon shoshonensis was the largest known entelodont, standing almost six feet tall at the shoulder. Scientific Name: Daeodon shoshonensis (Daeodon means “Dreadful Teeth”) Characteristics: This Daeodon toy is posed in a running stance, showing off its intimidating teeth. The figure reproduces the unique features of Daeodon, including its distinctive protruding cheekbones and thin, long legs. It features a short mane similar to that of a warthog. Size: The Daeodon toy figure measures 5 ¼ inches long and 3 ¼ inches tall, or a little bigger than an index card. The Daeodon is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

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  • Last stock! WSD Deinonychus

    Safari WSD Deinonychus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Deinonychus was a larger relative of Velociraptor. Like its smaller cousin, it had an extra large claw on each foot that helped it subdue its prey. It was also very likely covered in feathers, since this was a common feature found in other members of its family. History: The discovery of Deinonychus helped to revolutionize how many viewed dinosaurs. Previously believed to be mostly large, slow and lumbering reptiles, Deinonychus showed that they could also be small, agile and quick hunters. It helped promote the idea that dinosaurs were likely warm-blooded, rather than cold-blooded like today’s reptiles. Scientific Name: Deinonychus (“Terrible Claw”) Characteristics: This Deinonychus toy is covered in feathers, as fossil evidence of other Dromaeosaurid dinosaurs shows. This Deinonychus is at rest, having a look around, with its wings folded neatly by its side and the large, sickle-shaped claws on each foot on full display. Size: Our Deinonychus toy figure is 8 ¾ inches long and 3 ½ inches tall from its toes to its nose. It’s about the size of a pair of scissors. The Deinonychus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Diabloceratops XXX

    Safari WSD Diabloceratops XXX

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Diabloceratops is an early member of the Ceratopsidae, or horned dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous (81-76 million year ago) of Utah. Like all horned dinosaurs, it was quadrupedal (four footed), had horns on its head, and a bony frill that extended from the back of the skull to cover the neck. History: Diabloceratops is a rare dinosaur, and only recently discovered. Only two reasonably complete skeletons have been found, one in 1998 by Joshua Smith, and a second in 2002 by Don DeBlieux. Both skeletons were found in Utah. Scientific Name: Diabloceratops, meaning ‘devil horn face’. Characteristics: Diabloceratops, at 18 feet total length, was a medium-sized horned dinosaur. It had one large horn over each eye, but its nose horn was very small. As our Diabloceratops toy shows, it had one pair of large, curved horn-like spikes that projected from the back of the short frill, but otherwise, the frill had no other conspicuous projections or ornaments. This particular combination of horns and frill ornamentation is unique to Diabloceratops. Size: This Diabloceratops toy model is 5.75 inches long and 3.25 high. The Diabloceratops is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Dilophosaurus

    Safari WSD Dilophosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Dilophosaurus lived in the Early Jurassic Period, 200 million years ago. It grew to over 20 feet in length, which isn’t large when compared to later predatory dinosaurs, although it was one of the largest of its time. It had two distinctive head crests, which may have been used for display purposes. History: The first remains of Dilophosaurus were discovered by Jesse Williams, a Navajo, in the Navajo County of Arizona, in 1940. The dinosaur would later be described formally in 1954 by paleontologist Samuel P. Welles, though he believed it to be a species of Megalosaurus. Later, in 1964, Welles discovered new remains that showed Dilophosaurus’s distinctive head crests, and named it after them upon realizing this was not a Megalosaurus. Scientific Name: Dilophosaurus (“Double Crested Lizard”) Characteristics: This Dilophosaurus toy figurine is hand-painted and scientifically accurate, recreating the figure’s distinct slender shape and its namesake twin head crests. Size: Our Dilophosaurus toy is about 6 inches long and 3 inches tall, a bit bigger than a standard 3x5 index card. The Dilophosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

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  • Last stock! WSD Dilophosaurus x

    Safari WSD Dilophosaurus x

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    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Dilophosaurus was a lightly built meat-eating dinosaur with a distinctive twin-crest on its head. It was the first theropod dinosaur found with such flashy ornaments on the top of its skull. It lived in the Early Jurassic about 195 million years ago and was the largest predator at the time. History: The first Dilophosaurus skeleton was discovered in Tuba City, Northern Arizona, USA, in 1942. It was excavated by the University of California Museum of Paleontology and named as a new species of Megalosaurus (M. wetherilli) by paleontologist Samuel Welles in 1954. The skeleton of a larger and more complete individual was discovered in 1964, and included a complete skull that showed that the dinosaur had a pair of crests on its head – these were broken off and missing from the original 1942 skeleton. Scientific Name: Dilophosaurus wetherilli Characteristics: Dilophosaurus is a medium-sized two-legged carnivorous dinosaur about the size of a van. It has a long tail and long arms with three-fingered hands and sharp claws, as our Dilophosaurus toy depicts. It has a noticeable notch in the tooth row of the upper jaw, and a striking pair of decorative crests run along the top of its head. Size: This Dilophosaurus toy model is 5.27 inches long and 4.29 inches high. The Dilophosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Dimetrodon

    Safari WSD Dimetrodon

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    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection The Dimetrodon was actually a synapsid, not a dinosaur. Synapsids are a group of animals that includes all mammals, as well as early mammal-like reptiles such as Dimetrodon. The large spiny sail on its back is its most distinctive feature, though its exact function remains unknown. History: Dimetrodon lived during the early Permian Period, long before the dinosaurs it would come to be so closely associated with. It was more closely related to mammals than to dinosaurs, or to any modern day reptile. Unlike dinosaurs it walked with its legs splayed out to the side instead of held straight below the body Scientific Name: Dimetrodon (meaning “Two sizes of teeth”) Characteristics:  Our professionally painted Dimetrodon toy figure features the splayed stance, rounded skull, and unique teeth that Dimetrodon is known for, not to mention its most obvious identifier: the large spiny sail along its back. Size: Our Dimetrodon toy is 7 inches long and 4 ¼ inches high at the tip of its sail, making it just a bit shorter than a soda can, and just a bit smaller in length than a pair of scissors. The Dimetrodon is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Dimorphodon

    Safari WSD Dimorphodon

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Dimorphodon was a medium-sized (wingspan of about 4.5 feet) pterosaur that lived in the Early Jurassic Period (about 200 million years ago) in what is now the British Iles. Pterosaurs were the first reptiles to fly. Although superficially similar to modern bats and birds, they were not related to either group. History: Dimorphodon is one of the first discovered pterosaurs. The first skeletons were collected on the southeast coast of England in 1828. At first, paleontologists thought that it was Pterodactylus, a pterosaur recently found in Germany, but in 1858, the famous English anatomist Richard Owen realized that it was very different than Pterodactylus, and gave it a new name, Dimorphodon. Scientific Name: Dimorphodon, meaning ‘two form tooth’ Characteristics: Dimorphodon, like most other early pterosaurs, still had teeth, and lacked the skull crest seen in later members of the group. It had an unusually large head, as this Dimorphodon toy shows, and two distinct types of teeth; long, fang-shaped teeth at the front of the jaws, and smaller, flattened, blade-like teeth at the back. This is unusual, as almost all reptiles have no more than one type of tooth in their jaws. Compared with later pterosaurs, the wings are fairly short (although Dimorphodon was a good flyer), and the neck was short and strong. Size: This Dimorphodon toy model is 5.75 inches long and has a 8.5 inch wingspan. The Dimorphodon is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Diplodocus

    Safari WSD Diplodocus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Diplodocus is one of the most famous long-necked dinosaurs. At over 88 ft long from the tip of its snout to the end of its whip-like tail, Diplodocus is as long as three buses. This ground-shaking plant eater occupied North America during the Late Jurassic, about 153 million years ago. History: This well-known, long-necked dinosaur was named in 1878. Many Diplodocus skeletons are known from the Jurassic deposits of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Some early reconstructions wrongly portrayed Diplodocus in a sprawling posture, but this would have required a trench in the ground to accommodate its deep chest. Scientific Name: Diplodocus carnegii Characteristics: Diplodocus was a plant eater that had a tiny skull relative to the size of its giant body, as this Diplodocus toy reflects. It had simple, peg-like teeth for stripping leaves, a long neck, and an especially long whip-like tail. Diplodocus walked on all fours and its front feet had a single claw on the thumb. A row of soft, triangular spines may have extended along the top of its neck, back, and tail. Size: This huge Diplodocus toy model is 18.5 inches long and 4.5 inches high. Please note due to weather fluctuations and size of figure, there have been brittle figures with breaking parts. Please contact Bernie@safariltd.com for any assistance. The Diplodocus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Doedicurus

    Safari WSD Doedicurus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Doedicurus is an extinct armored plant-eating armadillo. Its heavy bony armor and spiked tail club helped protect it from sabre-toothed predators and other hunters. It was part of the South American Pleistocene megafauna 1.8 million to 11,000 thousand years ago. History: Doedicurus was first described by Richard Owen in 1847 based on part of a tail. Owen originally gave it the name Glyptodon clavicaudatus, the species name meaning ‘club-tailed’. However, nearly three decades later in 1874, Burmeister reclassified the species and gave it a new genus, Doedicurus. Scientific Name: Doedicurus clavicaudatus Characteristics: Doedicurus was built like a small tank with a spectacular domed ‘shell’. It also had a distinctive tail with an armored ‘tube’, and a dangerous spiked club on the end. It waddled around on four short legs with powerful blunt claws. All of these features (without the danger) are present in our accurately detailed Doedicurus toy. Its relatively small skull was short and deep with a blunt face. At 13 feet long it was the largest of its kind. Size: This Doedicurus toy model is 4.25 inches long and 1.75 inches high. The Doedicurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Dracorex

    Safari WSD Dracorex

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection   Dracorex hogwartsia may have looked like a fearsome dragon, but it was actually a gentle plant-eating dinosaur. This spiny bone-headed dinosaur was named after Hogwarts, the fictional academy attended by Harry Potter. The fossil remains of this fantastic beast were found in South Dakota, USA. It lived in the Late Cretaceous, 66 million year ago, at the end of the age of the dinosaurs. History: The spectacular fossil skull of Dracorex was discovered in South Dakota, USA, in 2004. T Robert Bakker, the lead author of the description, gave it a fantastic name: Dracorex means ‘dragon king’, while hogwartsia refers to Hogwarts Academy, the fictional school where Harry Potter trained. Some paleontologists think that Dracorex is really a juvenile of another bone-headed dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus, from the same time and place. Scientific Name: Dracorex hogwartsia Characteristics: Dracorex was a plant-eating dinosaur known only from a fossilised skull and neck. The complete animal may have been up to 10 feet long. Its fearsome-looking bony skull was covered in bumps, spikes, and spines, reminiscent of a fictional dragon, as shown on our Dracorex toy. It had a narrow snout and, like other ‘bone-headed dinosaurs’, it probably walked on two long back legs and had short arms with five-fingered hands. Its claws were probably blunt and hoof-like. Size: This Dracorex toy model is 7.75 inches long and 3 inches high. The Dracorex is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    2 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Dunkleosteus

    Safari WSD Dunkleosteus

    1 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Dunkleosteus was a huge (about 20 feet long and about one ton in weight) carnivorous fish that lived during the Devonian Period (380-360 million years ago throughout the world’s oceans of the time. With its large jaws and massive tooth plates, which are faithfully featured on our Dunkleosteus toy, it would have been a top predator in its habitat. History: Unlike most fossil fish, Dunkleosteus has become well known to the public through its appearances in films like ‘Sea Monsters – a Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy’ and the television program ‘River Monsters.’ Scientific Name: Dunkleosteus, named for the late David Dunkle, a well-known paleontologist and curator of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, which has some of the best collections of Dunkleosteus in the world. Characteristics: Dunkleosteus belonged to a group of extinct primitive fish called placoderms. Unlike all living fish, the head and front half of the body of placoderms are covered in massive bony shields. They did not have teeth, but rather huge bony plates in their jaws with sharp shearing surfaces that worked like giant scissors. Dunkleosteus used its powerful jaws and tooth plates to cut through the largest prey, and would have occupied the same position in the ecosystem that large sharks do today. Size: This Dunkleosteus toy is 7.25 inches long and 3.25 inches wide. The Dunkleosteus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

    1 in stock


  • Last stock! WSD Elasmosaurus

    Safari WSD Elasmosaurus

    2 in stock

    Wild Safari Dinosaur Collection Elasmosaurus was a large marine reptile that lived during the Late Cretaceous (about 80 million years ago) in a shallow sea that once covered what is now central North America. It belonged to a group of reptiles called plesiosaurs which are characterized by the possession of a very long neck, small head, turtle-shaped body with flippers rather than legs, and a short tail, all of which are represented on this Elasmosaurus toy. History: The first Elasmosaurus fossil was described by the famous American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope in 1868. Cope was a fossil lizard expert, and this led to a curious mistake - while in a hurry to publish his description of Elasmosaurus, he put the skull on the end of the tail, thinking that it was the neck. Cope spend a lot of time and money trying to buy back all of the copies of his original description so that he could correct his mistake and put the head on the right end of the animal. Scientific Name: Elasmosaurus, which means ‘thin plate lizard’. This odd name refers to the thin, plate-like bones in the hip skeleton of this animal. Characteristics: At nearly 50 feet and three tons, Elasmosaurus was one of the biggest plesiosaurs. Although its head was quite small, its jaws were filled with long pointed teeth. Its long neck allowed Elasmosaurus to quickly swing its head in all directions and snatch fish as they swam by. All four limbs were modified into paddles that the Elasmosaurus used like oars to row itself through the water. The tail as too short to have been used for propulsion – it was probably used like a rudder to steer. Size: This Elasmosaurus toy model is 10 inches long and 4.75 inches wide. The Elasmosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection. All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

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