PM Collection Case Scarlet & Violet 6.5 Shrouded Fable- Kingambit Illustration
PM Collection Case Scarlet & Violet 6.5 Shrouded Fable- Kingambit Illustration
Vendor Peachstate Hobby
Description Pokémon Collection
The Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable Kingambit Illustration Collection includes 1 full-art foil promo card featuring Kingambit and 2 foil cards featuring Pawniard and Bisharp.
This also comes with 4 Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable booster packs
You will also receive a code card for Pokémon TCG Live.
Description Pokémon Collection
The Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable Kingambit Illustration Collection includes 1 full-art foil promo card featuring Kingambit and 2 foil cards featuring Pawniard and Bisharp.
This also comes with 4 Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable booster packs
You will also receive a code card for Pokémon TCG Live.
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